Our Programs

Free monthly lecture discussion groups  –  Living the Path (formerly First Wednesdays/First Fridays)

We invite you to learn more about the Pathwork teachings through free monthly discussion groups based on a particular lecture.  You can attend a group each month online or at various locations throughout Philadelphia and New Jersey at the Teacher’s discretion.  

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Pathwork Transformation Program

Join others on a journey of self-discovery and growth in our 2.5 year Transformation Program. Study the Pathwork teachings in-depth guided by experienced Pathwork Helpers and with the support of a cohort of others who share your interest in spirituality and personal transformation.

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Pathwork Summer Institute

The Philadelphia Pathwork Summer Institute was founded to provide the luxury of time and space to explore a topic in depth.  Depending on the offering, the Institute is open generally to anyone with a deep commitment to this Path and passion for the growth and transformation it provides. The Institute offers an opportunity to join with others from around the world to study with highly experienced teachers -- many of whom were part of the Pathwork's inception.

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