Pathwork Helpers discuss ideas and concepts from the Pathwork Guide Lectures, a body of spiritual wisdom for self awareness, growth and transformation.
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Let us first state what the path is not. It is not psychotherapy, although aspects of this pathwork must, perforce, deal with areas which psychotherapy also deals with. But I might say that in the framework of the path, this psychological approach is only a side issue, a getting through obstructions, so to speak. Dealing with confusions, inner misconceptions, misunderstandings, destructive attitudes, alienating defenses, negative emotions, paralyzed feelings is essential and this psychotherapy also attempts to do. However, while this is the ultimate goal of psychotherapy, the pathwork enters its most important phase only after this stage is over, and that most important phase is, briefly, the learning of how to activate the greater consciousness dwelling within every human soul.
Pathwork Guide Lecture #228 Balance
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